Are you searching car repair service near me ? We recognize that in the current economic climate, our customers’ decisions regarding work on their vehicles are often influenced by pricing. At our company, we offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality or safety. Trust us to provide the best value for
your vehicle maintenance needs. However, as a quality car service provider, MK12 Autocare understands that when it comes to replacing components on your car: quality is significantly more important than price. So, let me take this moment to explain the benefits of using the Autocare OE (original equipment) Programme:
1.Safety for car repair near me :
always at the core of everything we do. Investing in new tyres won’t guarantee safety if paired with substandard shock absorbers. They must work together to maintain maximum contact with the road surface. Even one worn shock absorber can increase a vehicle’s stopping distance by up to 2 meters, which could be the difference between stopping safely and colliding with a hazard. Ensure your safety and your family’s by having your shock absorbers regularly checked and replaced if necessary. Put simply: don’t compromise on your safety.
2. Replacing for car repair service near me:
Replacing with cheaper parts will inevitably cost more in the long run. OE parts manufacturers are constantly testing their products, and I have never borne witness to an OE part that was a downgrade in technology. MK12 Autocare will never offer our customers a downgraded product, as your vehicle will always be restored to OE performance or better.
3. Cheap parts are likely to fail prematurely. Enough said frankly:
right up there with our customer’s safety, is our reputation. We are qualified professionals with decades of experience. We are grateful that our customers put their trust in us, and so we will not compromise in what we do for them.
Thanks for reading and feel free to drop us a line if there’s something particular you want to know regards your vehicle maintenance or repair.
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